Emergency vehicles need siren sound to penetrate vehicles, and reach pedestrians, in front of them, and on streets approaching.
Emergency vehicles do not need siren sound to penetrate multistory buildings and reach residents and office workers.
Siren Guide attaches to an emergency vehicle siren, and concentrates siren sound in front of it, while reducing sound in multistory buildings.
It works. The sound in front is as loud or louder, and in a 3rd floor apartment it is 10 dB less. That’s perceived as half as loud.
If your city struggles to balance the needs of emergency vehicles and people in multistory buildings, contact Siren Guide. It is a low cost, practical solution.
Emergency sirens emit most sound between 500 and 2,500 Hz, often 700 to 2,000 Hz. The piano keys above middle C. Siren Guide controls these frequencies.
Contact Siren Guide.